10 Characters From Marvel’s Infinity War Who Will Return – 5 Who Will Stay Gone



The former Gatekeeper of sorts for Asgard, Heimdall, is likely a favorite among many Marvel fans. The incredible Idris Elba plays the role, and has been a useful man to the universe. He was the man who controlled the Bifröst, a bridge that connected worlds. His sword often helped to control it best. However, it was not always essential to have the sword involved. Heimdall was quite a useful person to the Asgard territory. He can see for millions of miles away and even somewhat speak to people. In Thor: Ragnorak, we see how he can almost bring a person to the place he’s at and speak with them as if they are standing next to him. Though it is merely a spirit of sorts, rather than an actual body that he brings.
The power of Heimdall is great, which is why Odin and Thor trusted him so much. It is also why Loki feared him as much as he did as well. He was gifted as a fighter and one of the best at literally seeing what was coming miles away. However, he did not see Thanos attacking the Asgard ship.
Bruce Banner would turn into the Hulk and attempt to take down Thanos once he arrived on the ship, but Hulk would fail. Seeing that it was likely Hulk would be taken out by Thanos and the Black Order, Heimdall summoned the Bifröst sorts once more, as his power was weak and very limited.
This allowed him to transport Hulk to Earth where he landed in the home of Doctor Strange. Heimdall would anger Thanos and ultimately be taken out as a result. The passing of Heimdall was hard to see, but one that it is likely a permanent passing. The reason? Unlike others in the film, there was no dusty removal. This was a passing that was ugly, dark, and made to show finality. Sadly, it appears Heimdall will no longer be part of the MCU.


The passing of Gamora was quite a shocker, as many felt that Thanos would spare his daughter. It was odd, but Thanos did truly love Gamora. The idea of hurting her to a point of passing was likely never on the list for the Mad Titan. However, selfish needs and the feeling of doing the right thing to him would lead to the need to hurt Gamora. While the Guardians attempted to take out Thanos, he would use the Reality Stone to make them assume they could save The Collector and a stone. However, it was all a ruse to get Gamora. Star-Lord attempted to save her from the horrible fate that was going with Thanos. Yet he was unable. Gamora would be forced to lead Thanos to the Soul Stone, a stone that has a lot of use but also makes one pay a very dear price to wield it.
Due to the Gauntlet he possesses, Thanos can attain the Soul Stone and do damage with it for sure. However, unlike other stones, he has to give up something that he truly loves as a sacrifice of sorts to use it. He claims to truly love Gamora and looks at her with a tear in his eye as Gamora clearly sees the love for her was terrible and of evil intent. He throws her off of a mountain of sorts and she lands at the bottom, to meet her doom. This gave the Soul Stone to Thanos but took out a key player.
Gamora will likely need to come back. The main reason for this is due to the fact that her coming back ultimately is a huge deal for the stone. The fact that Gamora mentioned the twisted love means that there is a small hole in which Gamora likely could be alive within the stone. Thereby making her useful in bringing others together and breaking out of it. To top it off, Gamora is still new to the overall MCU and a key player to it. Removing her would make no sense right now. Especially when it concerns Thanos.