10 Characters From Marvel’s Infinity War Who Will Return – 5 Who Will Stay Gone



In one of the more interesting situations we have to consider, Loki could very well be done. He seemed to be quite odd in the Infinity War film, as he came off as more of a hero than someone who could be considered a bad guy. He would attempt to take out Thanos only for the Mad Titan to crush his throat and breathing pathways. Loki is known for coming back to life after random instances with passing away. So why is this any different? The line Thanos delivers is key. He says “no more resurrections this time.” This is a major throw at the God of Mischief, who has been known for making his way back.
While Loki is a God, and Gods are not supposed to be easy to take out…Thanos could very well be considered one. A God taking out another God is common in mythology and spells the end for that God.
With this said, Loki is also highly overextended. The original plan was to use the character in the first Thor movie and likely within the Avengers movie. The studio decided due to the popularity of the character in Thor to use him in a big way for Avengers. He’s been used in every Thor movie since and now the beginning of Infinity War. This means that his character is no longer truly needed unless they plan to dive into more major Thor storylines. Unless this occurs, and something changes up, Loki is likely done as a member of the MCU.


Dr. Steven Strange just wanted to be a world known surgeon and accomplished that mission. Sadly, a wreck on the road caused him to get hurt and eventually lose the ability to use his hands properly. After going broke to try and do everything to get his hands to working right once more, he was out of options. Until he visited a magical place that allowed him to eventually become the Sorcerer Supreme. He would wear something at this time known as the Eye of Agamotto. The people who know of it are sworn to keep it safe with their lives. Merely giving it away would be horrific. It has become a major need for Thanos, as inside the eye can be found the Time Stone. This stone literally does as it says. It affects time and can do so on a macro or micro scale.
Strange could literally reverse time on a person and bring them back to life if he wanted. In the movie, Strange goes into the future to check on over 14 million outcomes in the fight against Thanos. He finds that there is but one way where they win. As they attempt to remove the gauntlet from Thanos, Peter loses his temper and results in Thanos getting away and stabs Tony Stark. Many fear Thanos has taken out Stark, but the stab did not do this. Thanos planned to before Doctor Strange told Thanos to take the Time Stone to spare Tony. Thanos agrees to the deal and spares Stark as Strange asks.
Many think this outcome is one that Strange saw coming. In that, he knew he had to give up the stone for them to win and Stark being alive is a key thing needed in order to win. It also means he had to pass on as Thanos continued to keep his promise about sparing Stark when he turns everyone to dust. Strange likely only agreed to the move as he knew he would survive in some way. How he’ll go about doing that is merely a guessing game for now. But he did say he would protect the stone with his life, so this is likely a key thing to consider.
Sources: [IMDB, Comic Vine, Marvel Comics, Marvel’s Infinity Gauntlet, Avengers: Infinity War, Polygon]