10 Characters From Marvel’s Infinity War Who Will Return – 5 Who Will Stay Gone



Peter Quill might be known as Star-Lord, but it might take an act of the Lord himself to bring him back to life. Yet we do feel like it’s going to happen. The reason for this is pretty simple. Chris Pratt might be a busy actor, but he has clearly proven to be a great draw with the Guardians movies as the main star or one of the main stars of the movies. This franchise can be continued for years as the Guardians are part of some absolutely incredible storylines in the comics.
In fact, they could do almost anything and go almost anywhere. This makes them almost like a Star Trek or Star Wars sort of option in that they can pretty much be essential to the universe.
The third Guardians film is coming, and to remove Star-Lord from this movie would not only be insane…it would be highly illogical on the part of the studio. To top it off, the entire Guardians storyline hinges on the use of Star-Lord. There are no true Guardians without Peter. With this being known, it would be very weird to suddenly remove the character to add emphasis to the series. People won’t like it or buy into the move, especially when people are now really into Chris Pratt. If it makes you feel better, Pratt claimed to be working on both Avengers films. If he was not being used in the 4th film…why did he have to “work on it?” We know, tough question indeed.


Unlike others within the war, Vision passed far different than most. The idea was that if taken to Wakanda, they could easily work to remove Vision’s Mind Stone from his person and then keep him alive without it at the same time. Though risky, it was possible. It would simply need time if nothing else. This is when the war broke out in Wakanda that allowed the Avengers and others to properly keep Vision safe. Sadly, while Scarlet Witch was a huge asset to keep Vision safe….she left her post with him to help the very outmatched team. When doing this, she left Vision and the Wakandans wide open to attack from the Black Order.
Vision would manage to get past all of this and eventually Captain America and Scarlet Witch saved Vision. Upon the time Thanos arrived, the time was now for the stone to be destroyed despite it still being inside the head of Vision and giving him life, essentially. Wanda had to take out her beloved Vision in order to save the universe from Thanos, who upon taking the Mind Stone would have every stone and thus, total control. Despite how hard it was to do, Wanda did what she had to do and destroyed the stone and Vision. Thanos would come by and throw Wanda out of the way.
He would use the time stone to reverse events and bring Vision back with the stone. Only for him to be taken out by Thanos, resulting in two passings within minutes as Scarlet Witch watched both and saw Thanos take the stone. It was obviously hard to watch for all. Vision would turn blue and look pretty much gone. It simply does not appear he’ll be back. While it is likely Tony Stark could find a backlog of Vision to restore in a new body, the Vision we once knew is no longer going to be present.


While some still leave the theater the moment the credits roll, true Marvel movie fans know to wait for the post-credits scene. Sometimes there can be more than one. While the first sort of fade out made people assume Marvel was not going to offer a post-credit scene…this changed as a shot went to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Nick Fury and Mariah Hill. They’re driving when they are stopped by a car coming out in front of them. Realizing the threat, Nick Fury knows he has to alert the one group that could help them. The problem is that he is slowly disappearing and has to make sure the button for the emergency is clicked. As Mariah passes on, Fury is going and thus may not have time to hit the alert. Yet he does manage to get it sent out.
When doing this, we see the logo of a certain Captain pop up on the screen. The logo is regarding a woman by the name of Carol Danvers, better known as Captain Marvel. While the solo movie surrounding her will be coming next year before Avengers 4 comes out, this was a good teaser.
The group Fury would want to help is one that has helped him out in the past when things become a bit, shall we say, universally threatening. The group is called S.W.O.R.D. and Danvers was a key player in this and helped to even lead it at one point.
They’ll likely be known more in the coming year, especially with the solo project. However, Fury and Hill must come back as they’re both the essential S.H.I.E.L.D. members left from the group, theatrically at least. With this knowledge, we have to not only consider them assets to the group but useful to the next part of the story. Plus Fury of all people has a thing about appearing to be gone only to make a triumphant return later on.


Likely one of the major passings that got to us in the theater was when Peter Parker aka Spider-Man, passed. While Thanos did say that his list of people taken out would be random and include people from all walks of life…it was tough to see such an important character go. The reason was likely due to who Parker is. Tony Stark has grown very attached to Peter and helped him become the hero he is today by somewhat training him and even offering him a few amazing suits to use his abilities in an even bigger way. The only problem is that when this man, who is now seeing Parker as almost a kid of his own, has to watch him pass. Phew. How hard could it be to deal with that?
What may break your heart more is to know what happened regarding it. Parker has something known as a “Spidey sense.” This sensation that hits Spider-Man basically allows him to feel something bad when it is coming. Whether he can feel it from miles away or right near him, there is a clear understanding that something is happening. That said, Spidey likely felt the lives of others going and his own sense was going crazy as he too passed on. Allowing him to not only feel for others but also feel his passing more than any other. This is likely why he was in such hysterics compared to others.
He’s too young to go through, and Disney had to practically offer a left arm to Sony to get permission to use the Spider-Man character. To remove him would insanity right now, especially with Tom Holland becoming quite a popular young actor. On top of this, a Spider-Man 2 is already in the works for Marvel Studios and Disney. We’ll likely see Spidey return without an issue. Due to his feeling of the matter, Spidey will be out for revenge.