7 Great Tips For Getting Rid Of Vaginal Odour – Number 5 & 6 Works Like Magic!


Change your underwear

If you normally wear satin, silk, or polyester panties, make the switch to 100 percent cotton. Cotton is breathable and does an excellent job wicking away sweat and fluids from your body. Excess moisture can upset your natural bacteria levels.

Consider a pH product

Over-the-counter (OTC) products may be helpful in restoring your vagina’s natural pH. If you try one and the odour remains or grows worse, make an appointment with your doctor. You may need to use a different product or look for a stronger prescription alternative.

Try essential oils

This treatment has very little medical research to support it, but anecdotal evidence suggests tea tree oil , a type of essential oil, helps eliminate vaginal odour. This essential oil has natural antimicrobial and antifungal properties, which may help reduce and eliminate bacteria. First, mix a few drops of tea tree oil with water. Then, apply a drop or two to the outside of your vagina. Repeat this for three to five days. If symptoms don’t improve or worsen, discontinue use.