10 Things You Should Never, Ever Search On Google – Read This To Avoid Being Traced (With Pictures)


“My testicles hurt”

If you have any health problems related to the “embarrassing” part of your body, go to the medic! Yours is probably not the first pair of ball-sacks that he has ever seen, but you have probably not seen many others before (especially unhealthy ones), and chances are that you will faint in front of the PC.

Your Name 

If you ever Google yourself you might have two of the following surprises:
1. There is no record of you online, and you will immediately feel like a complete and utter failure
2. You will find things about yourself that you wouldn’t have wanted to know.

Even if you’re curious, refrain yourself.


Google says that Elephantiasis is a skin diseases characterized by the thickening of underlying tissues, especially legs and male genitals. Although this probably gives you an idea of what you’re going to see, nothing will prepare you for the horror show unfolding on Google image.

Blue Waffle Disease

There is honestly no need to elaborate. Whatever you do, just don’t. 

Tetris Fanfic

What could ever be wrong about googling Tetris? I mean, it’s Tetris, right? Wrong again. There is a type of pornographic fan fiction inspired by Tetris. It sounds something like this:
“I unbuttoned the blue pixel I had on my lower half and instructed her on the ways of foreplay. As her top pixel met my bottom pixel, I let out an ecstatic sigh. Such pleasure I had never experienced in my life …”

Tub Girl

Do you know the games where you have to concentrate really, really, really hard, and then a scary face appears out of nowhere and you fall of your chair crying? Tub girl is in some ways similar to those faces, because it manages to scare the life out of innocent people. If you haven’t seen it yet, don’t look it up, because your reaction might be similar to this guy’s.