10 Characters From Marvel’s Infinity War Who Will Return – 5 Who Will Stay Gone



By being a newer member of the MCU, Falcon comes in handy to the overall group on a long-term basis. His character is one that could be of use for years to come, and he does not have to be used in a major context entirely to do this. As a useful Avengers member, he can bring his level of military experience to the table every time. However, he can also continue to bring his ability to fly and hit targets from an ariel perspective as well. Overall, while War Machine can do a lot of things Falcon can do…he’s not as young and as athletic as Falcon.
This means that while War Machine has to rely on a machine to truly get it done, Falcon can do fine without his wings and has proven that often. He’s experienced with multiple weapons and can fly just about anything.
While they do define the name, they’ll never define him. Falcon’s ability to not need the wings and still be a threat is essential to the MCU. To top it off, the comic universe thought this too. That is why Falcon ends up becoming Captain America. This does not happen if he’s only a guy who can fly. He only becomes the Captain when he’s proven to be useful in multiple places.
Due to his new nature and use to the MCU, it seems unlikely that Falcon will stay gone. It would also be hard to lose an essential African American character for the studio. While this may seem racial to consider, it’s a mere fact that studios often have to keep up with the number of people represented in a movie. If you’ve noticed, the MCU has tried to have as many representations as possible. That said, the way Falcon looks is just as important as his character. Despite the odd nature that happens to fall under.


Like many in the Infinity War film, Scarlet Witch was the victim of a mysterious passing. Thanos mentioned before all this took place that, if he won…he could snap his fingers and half the population on Earth would pass. Meanwhile, half would live. He claimed it would be random too, and not by any certain design. Old, young, rich, poor, all would be victim to Thanos’ random order of things. Scarlet Witch is one of the few strong characters in Marvel that, if she chose, could literally destroy a planet. She also has the power to destroy an Infinity stone. She even did do this in the movie.
While Wanda did destroy the mind stone, there was a clear issue here. Thanos did claim there was a randomness with his destruction, but perhaps there wasn’t in some cases. With Scarlet being so strong, he likely fears her. He knows if there is anyone who can destroy the Infinity Stones, it’s Scarlet Witch. In order for him to remain successful, taking her out is an essential need. However, Scarlet has made herself stronger than death before. She even blended realities where her dream one became the real one, such as the House of M storyline.
That being said, it would be hard to believe the power of Wanda would allow her to suddenly pass on. If the theory of another dimension or being trapped in a stone is true, Scarlet Witch would be essentially one of the few who could really break away from this. That said, we could never see her remain gone. She’s clearly too powerful to remove right now.


One thing that made the movie more compelling was the addition of newer characters who barely saw screen time. The goons of Thanos were likely just as important to Thanos winning as the stones. By them being present, Thanos is not working alone. He can get things done easier when people are serving him and allowing him to get what he wants. The Goons do have names, as they call themselves The Black Order or Children of Thanos. They serve him until they breathe no longer, and essentially the God-like Thanos rewards them well for their service. The issue is that they cannot continue to last when Thanos can always use others in their place.
In addition to the passing of the Order’s Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, Cull Obsidian, and Corvus Glaive were the Asgardians. As everyone will recall from the ending of Thor: Ragnorak, Thor and Loki lead their team as they defeat Thor’s evil sister in a way. Essentially in order to do this, that must destroy Asgard. They then realize that Asgard is not a place, but a people.
As long as the people were alive, the Asgardians were also alive. Sadly, Thanos comes after the Asgardians because Loki has one of the Infinity Stones. In order to get it, he attacks the ship and takes out everyone on it, thereby ending Asgard.
Unless Thor, the last Asgardian, continues to survive…Asgard will be gone completely. Why did we say Asgardians were gone? Mainly because in order to have a plural, you must have more than one. Upon the move to make an organized place and add people to Asgard for Thor to rule over…the people could return. But the people who passed on the ship will not be making it back.